Tag: Precarity (9)
Aleksandra Piletić

Platform capitalism: a new era or business as usual? (Part II)

Platform capitalism: a new era or business as usual? (Part II)
Ana Guerra

Managing uncertainty at their own expense: Brazilian Uber drivers facing the Covid-19 pandemic

Managing uncertainty at their own expense: Brazilian Uber drivers facing the Covid-19 pandemic
Laura Lam

Have Platforms Become Part of the Immigration Experience?

Have Platforms Become Part of the Immigration Experience?


Niels van Doorn

On the conditions of possibility for worker organizing in platform-based gig economies

On the conditions of possibility for worker organizing in platform-based gig economies
Niels van Doorn

From a Wage to a Wager: Dynamic Pricing in the Gig Economy

From a Wage to a Wager: Dynamic Pricing in the Gig Economy
Niels van Doorn

Liminal Precarity and Compromised Agency: Migrant experiences of gig work in Amsterdam, Berlin, and New York City

Liminal Precarity and Compromised Agency: Migrant experiences of gig work in Amsterdam, Berlin, and New York City
Niels van Doorn

A good hustle: the moral economy of market competition in adult webcam modeling

A good hustle: the moral economy of market competition in adult webcam modeling
Niels van Doorn
Eva Mos
Jelke Bosma

Disrupting ‘Business as Usual’: Covid-19 and Platform Labor

Disrupting ‘Business as Usual’: Covid-19 and Platform Labor
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